A logo may consist of the following elements:

  A graphic image or symbol.   Text, company name, or slogan.   A graphic image and text at the same time.

Each company decides what is more important – a beautiful image or an originally written text. A picture allows to convey the essence of the company’s activity and is better remembered, while the inscription allows the brand to be always on everyone’s lips. Often complementing each other’s disadvantages, both elements are used simultaneously in logos. Here it all depends on you, and, of course, on the name of your brand, because if it is too long – a text company logo can be a problem. However, in most cases the names of modern companies consist of only a few letters, so the choice of three options remains valid for almost everyone. The characteristics of a good logo are the same for all heated three design options. Any logo should:

  appeal to the eye,   not be outdated,   be remembered,   look good in any size,   reflect the spirit and idea of the brand.

Today we would like to look at the main trends of this year in logo design, adjusting them under the basic rules of creating the perfect emblem. To check how strictly you should follow these rules – you can play the logo quiz and look at the most popular logos in the world. Reflection of the company’s field of activity. It is best if the logo will be clear about what the company does and in what area offers goods or services. Here comes the aid of graphics.

Uniqueness. Leaders who respect themselves will never use elements similar to the logos of promoted brands. First of all, it undermines the company’s reputation in the eyes of consumers, it shows that the level of the company is not high enough, it is not original, and questions the quality of the goods or services. Abstraction is ideal here. Conformity to the target audience. When planning the creation of a logo, it is necessary to consider the peculiarities of the target audience for which the company sells goods or provides services. In accordance with the preferences of potential buyers need to select the image, color, and even font of the logo. The trend of the last few years is minimalism and clean lines. However, no one canceled the original fonts. Both vintage and heavy futuristic letterforms are used, complemented by well-chosen color. Memorability. For a logo to be easily remembered, it should be concise, not overloaded with details, and clearly reflect its essence. Ideally, the logo should be memorable even after a single viewing. And, therefore, the fewer elements on your emblem – the more chances to stay in memory. Color scheme. Different colors evoke different associations with the audience, so it’s important to understand how the color will reflect the company’s activities.

For example, blue and blue colors are always associated with the sky or the sea, green – with nature, and life, and yellow – with the sun, and sand. When creating a logo is better to stop at 3-4 colors, of course, they must be compatible and carry the same meaning. The main thing here is not to go overboard. It is also important to consider that the colors of the logo do not merge and were distinguishable when reproduced in black and white. The shape of the logo. Complex shapes and abstract figures should be avoided. Well-known and simple figures are best perceived by the audience. Clean contours of circles and squares always work for the company. As for the perfect geometry – think of the Nike logo.


The logo should look equally good on a large banner and a small business card. It is better to refrain from using small details, as a small scale simply will not be visible. To sum it all up, a picture is worth a thousand words. And a minimalist geometric picture is worth a thousand ordinary ones. Do not forget about the color, because this is the key to a successful design. Use dense and saturated shades that contrast well with each other. And, most importantly: Try to reflect the idea of your business as accurately as possible in the minimum number of elements.

Main Trends in Logo Design in 2023 - 35Main Trends in Logo Design in 2023 - 1