While giving Mobile Number or real Email, Facebook continuously sends a notification to the particular Mobile Number and Email, which is again a great headache for us. After all, our Email will be full of junk with useless emails which makes no sense. If your Email is already affected and wants to delete or Unsubscribe from a particular mailing list, then there is a useful tool called Unroll.me. This can be used to clean your Email as well as for blocking unwanted Subscriptions. Now, With that all being set, let’s quickly jump into the guide and see How to Create Multiple Facebook Accounts without Phone Number or Email. Also Read: Contact Facebook 

Create Facebook Account without Mobile Numer

There are multiple methods to create Facebook accounts by mentioning your real mobile number or Email address. I will be mentioning multiple methods below and you can follow anyone of them to get the job done. You will find three unique methods below to get the job done. In the first method, we will be using disposable mobile numbers that are used to receive SMS online and in the second method, we will use Disposable Email Generators to create random fake email IDs and then create FB Account based on that.

Method 1: Using Disposable Mobile Numbers

Step 1: Go to Receive SMS Online page and then select a site of your choice. This page has multiple sites that have hundreds of disposable numbers that can be used to do online verification. Step 2: Click on any Mobile Number you like (copy it). Step 3: Now head over to Facebook.com Step 4: Click on the Sign-Up button. Step 5: Enter your details like Name, Date Of Birth, Password, etc Step 6: In the Mobile Number field, type the number you copied in step 2 Step 7: Now you will receive a verification code (OTP) in https://smsreceivefree.com/. Simply copy the code Step 8: Type the same verification code on Facebook. Now your account gets instantly activated. That’s it we have created a facebook account without a mobile number. Have a look at Best Facebook Autoliker to get 1000+ Likes

Method 2: Create Facebook Account Without Phone Number

For this method, you will need an Email account, Don’t worry we are not going to our original one, but a fake one. There are sites like Fakemailgenerator, emailfake, etc which provides temporary Email addresses to do online verification on pretty much any app or website. We will be using one such service in this method. Step 1: Go to Facebook.com Step 2; Click on Sign Up button and Fill in your details like Name, Password, etc Step 3: Go to fakemailgenerator.com Step 4: Select fake Email you like Step 5: Go back to Facebook, Type the Email from Fakemailgenerator in Facebook Email field Step 6: Click on Sign Up FakeMailGenerator Alternatives: If you are not able to use FakeMailGenerator for any reason, then you can use any of the below given sites.


Now you will receive a verification email in Fakemailgenerator.com, click on Verification Link and verify your account.

Method 3: Using Gmail Dot Trick

How about creating hundreds of Facebook Account using a single Gmail Account? Sounds Cool, right? In this method, we will be using a single Gmail ID to create multiple Facebook accounts. Using this method, there will be no Ban or account block issue. This Gmail Dot Trick can not only be used at Facebook But also for registering on any site. For the detailed guide about creating multiple Facebook Account with a single Gmail, ID follow the below-mentioned article. Create Multiple Facebook Account with Single Gmail ID

Why Hide Mobile Number and Email?

SMS and Email spamming is increasing day by day. One of the primary reason why this happens is because of sharing our original Email Address and Mobile Number everywhere. There are sites that we use regularly and sites that we only use once or twice. For websites and apps coming in category 1, you can provide your original IDs, but for sites that we use only once, we should only give fake details there or else they will spam our account by sending promotional emails. Apart from that, there are also possibilities that our Email reaches the wrong hand and send some emails that make no sense to us. It is always recommended that you maintain two Email Accounts. You can use one of them as your primary Email where you share all important files, documents, and Emails. The second one should be used in places where you want to get temporary access. Let’s say that you want to download a file from a site. But the site is asking you to enter your Email and confirm it. Only after activating your account you will be abl;e to download the file. This is a clear trap. You are not going to visit this site again but still they are asking for your Email address. After few days, they will start sending some promotional Emails and spam your account. To prevent this from happening you can use your second account that you don’t use that frequently

Final Words

That’s it, guys, See How simple it was to create multiple Facebook accounts with any Mobile Number or Email. Suppose you want to create a Facebook Account without providing your Actual information like Mobile number and Email, then this guide will definitely be useful for you. Also, be sure to check our guide on converting your Facebook account into a page and get 5000 likes from scratch.  How To Convert Your Facebook Profile Into Account. Hope you guys found this guide awesome, Please be sure to share this article on Facebook, Twitter, G+ or Anywhere you like and let your friends know about this trick.