Rebooting acts as a defense against various issues related to the router. There happens to be no set guideline for how frequently you need to reboot your router. A router may experience a plethora of problems that may include bugs, glitches, and more. It is very natural for even the top-end routers to have connectivity or speed-related issues. Rebooting a router may help you get rid of a majority of connectivity issues. For any troubles that a reboot is not able to solve, we’d recommend you to go for a reset.
How Different is Reboot from Reset?
A majority of people confuse the process of rebooting with resetting. While ‘Reset’ turns back your current settings to the router’s original layout, ‘Reboot’ only triggers your WiFi router to restart. We’d recommend you only attempt a reset when diagnostics and restarts don’t solve any problems. However, since routers are always on and functioning round-the-clock, we often need more from them as compared to the majority of other gadgets. Routers also have to be restarted, much the same as our other devices do. But the frequency of rebooting still remains an important aspect.
Reset or Reboot? Which One is Better?
You may need to either reset or reboot your router according to the situation. A majority of people more often than not confuse the two techniques, despite them having entirely different purposes.
Rebooting a router has the following advantages:
IP address-related problems are resolved.Solves any issues with the modem without a diagnosis.Erase the router’s memory.Allots a totally new public IP address.
Resetting a router has the following benefits:
Helps you in putting back the settings to the default layout.Removes all the current databases and restores the device to its original state for optimum performance.
Importance of Rebooting your Router
If you’re uncertain about how often you should reboot your router, we’d recommend you track how regularly you encounter problems with the connectivity. We have gathered the most important reasons why a router must be rebooted every now and then.
1. Memory Allocation Issues
If you haven’t done rebooting your router in a long time, then there are chances of your router becoming worn out before it is supposed to. When the router runs out of memory that it needs to be allocated in order to run its operations properly, it causes the internet connectivity and speed to fall down. Rebooting helps in creating extra space in the memory, thus increasing the speed.
2. Outdated Router Model
Every electronic device or gadget has a defined life. With time, the performance starts to fall gradually until the day comes when you have to simply replace it with a new one.
3. Router and Modem Compatibility Issues
Modems are devices that operate the end-to-end translation of a PC’s data and a telephone line’s signal. Routers help you run the internet on all of your wired and wireless devices. Sometimes it is possible to face a few problems in connectivity owing to the compatibility between the two.
4. Public IP Address Related Problems
The internet service providers allocate a general IP address. Other than that, there also happens to be a private IP address that affiliates with all the devices. It is very common for two gadgets to fall into a dispute with each other if they are assigned the same static IP address. In most cases, different IP addresses are allocated to different gadgets. We recommend you restart the router in order to get rid of the disputes among multiple devices.
5. Burnout Issues
A majority of electronic devices nowadays are high-performance-oriented. After all, who doesn’t love a gadget that performs at high speeds? But with high performance, it tags along with a very common issue – overheating. Extensive usage for long durations or lack of proper ventilation may cause your router to overheat and malfunction. Rebooting every now and then gives your router a window to cool down and ensure steady performance.
6. Cyber Attacks
The public IP address allocated to you by the router changes every time you reboot or reset it. It assigns a new IP address after each reboot which helps you stay protected from cyber attacks.
What is the Easiest Way to Reboot a Router?
The simplest way to reboot a router is through a manual technique. All you need to do is unplug its adapter from the power outlet, wait for approximately a minute or two and then put it back on. The time it will take to fully restart and get connected to the internet is typically under a minute. If you’re frequent with restarting the router but still facing challenges, or even if you reach a stage that is making you restart it numerous times on a daily basis, it’s time to take a look at other solutions. It’s always advisable to go for a complete reset if you prefer to see your router working in all its glory. You could also try and install WiFi range extenders. These devices help in maintaining a stable speed when you are experiencing weak connectivity in different rooms of your house. If all else fails, we’d recommend you bring home a new router. Just like all other gadgets at home need a new and updated version of themselves every few years, routers too get old and shall be replaced with the latest models in order to ensure a seamless internet experience.