It is crucial for all schoolers to stay motivated; otherwise, they have fewer chances to succeed academically. Motivation is what makes them leave no stone unturned. What should people do when they feel lazy and unmotivated? “When students don’t feel like doing their homework on their own, they turn to professional writing services”, says Mandy Ganz, a Pro-Papers service consumer. While not all schoolers can afford to obtain such kind of services, they search for other alternatives, and apps for mobiles are a good solution for those who want to get back into the swing. Below, there are some of the most popular options to benefit from.


This exceptionally useful app for mobiles is popular with many schoolers for many reasons. With it, they can monitor their academic progress and receive feedback based on their progress. All of these allow them to plan their educational process better and stay highly motivated for achieving both long-term and short-term academic goals. This app is far more than just a regular planner. It is created for those who need the motivation to balance between studying and other work. The app reminds users when it is time to study and informs them how much else they have to do this day to achieve their goals.

Exam Countdown

For many schoolers, it is hard to focus on their exam preparation. More often they fail to get ready for upcoming tests on time and thus end up with bad grades. In this case, they can greatly benefit from Exam Countdown, an app designed for both Android and iOS users. This application helps users to organize their exam dates properly and keep themselves motivated by performing a daily countdown to their important events. This info can be shared on social media networks allowing students to encourage not only themselves but also their peers to get ready for upcoming events in advance. This increases student performance in bulk.

 Clockwork Tomato

This mobile app is widely used by students who face difficulties with concentration and motivation. By no means all can keep the focus on their homework for a long time; thus, they need to be encouraged. In this case, the app does the trick.

By breaking down a work period into smaller chunks, it allows schoolers to move away from their tasks for a while and do their favorite things as a reward for their intensive work during a 25-minute span. After four small spans, they are given a longer break. This allows students to combine an intense learning process with fun or relaxing activities for a better result.

Those who face lots of difficulties when getting into study mode early in the morning will definitely like This app is created with students’ needs in mind. Those who lack the courage to get out of bed can set up this alarm so that it will not switch off until they take a photo of a specific area or perform a particular amount of math tasks with different levels of difficulty. With it, it is easier for schoolers to leave their beds and make up their minds to study well. This cross-platform application was built to be installed on particularly any mobile device.

Cold Turkey

Very often students find themselves distracted by random Internet surfing, and this surely has a negative effect on their learning process. With Cold Turkey, they can ban websites, which to their mind divert their work, to receive an encouraging message every time they try to browse one of them. To benefit from the app to the full, it is possible to add up the time they would have wasted over a particular work period what brings another dose of motivation. Students can also create lists with websites which are allowed for browsing. These include but are not limited to research pages, educational resources, etc.


With so many distractions the world gives us nowadays, many schoolers may find it quite hard to meet deadlines. With the help of this app, they will be able to set small goals – such as to write a hundred words a day, read a few paragraphs a week, go to the library once in a month, etc. Users feel incited and motivated as they can track their progress, no matter how essential or inconspicuous it is. With this software, all of them will be able to do their tasks on time. Since many fail to organize their time and work properly and don’t know how to use their mental abilities effectively, they feel a lack of motivation to gain knowledge. Fortunately, there are many mobile apps that can encourage schoolers to do better at school. Here, we have discussed some of the available options, however, their variety is huge and not limited to those mentioned above.

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