Our laptops are everyday work tools and often an extension of our selves. We love to customize them to our personal tastes. The easiest way to do this is to change the default laptop wallpaper or laptop background to something we like. We work and play better when our environment are tools are reflective of our personalities and mindsets. Customizing our laptop backgrounds may be a basic task, but it goes a long way in making it a tool that we are comfortable with. There are tons of websites on the internet that you can get laptop wallpapers and backgrounds from. This short list presents our favourites.

Where to download laptop wallpapers and laptop backgrounds

Here are five websites where you can download wallpapers and backgrounds for your laptop. All of them have great looking wallpapers, with quite a lot of variety available. We recommend that you go through them one by one. You just might like them all, in which case you can bookmark them on your laptop for easy access any other time you want to go hunting for a wallpaper. Feel free to download wallpapers for your laptop from any of these. If you are not sure how to go about changing your laptop’s wallpaper, we also have a quick guide ready for you below, showing you how to do so.

How to change your desktop background on Windows

This quick guide is based on Windows 10, but is very similar to the process for Windows 8 and 7 as well. There you go. You have your laptop looking brand new, exactly the way you want it. And when you get bored with the new laptop wallpaper, simply download another. We love to hear from you, so tell us if you find any of the above-listed download sites useful. Did you find any laptop backgrounds that you love? If you found this article useful, please share it with your social networks. Also let us know which other amazing laptop background and wallpaper download websites, besides the ones listed in this article, that you know, use, and recommend to other users.

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