As the right strategist, he used the tactics of capturing the corporate market from the end-user. And people began to bring their favourite devices to the company and try to read mail on them, access files, print documents on a network printer. And then it became obvious that a completely new market for corporate mobile applications was forming. Today it is one of the brightest trends in the IT market.

Development Specifics

The specificity of enterprise software development services is that they have a different interface and a smaller screen size. Designed for gesture control, the interface requires screen elements to be larger (at least 9×9 mm). Because it can be difficult to get your finger into a classic element that users are used to manipulating with a mouse. When designing a mobile application, you need to think about limiting the flow of information that goes to it. Such arguments are also supported because mobile devices are most often still outside the corporate network. In general, should work and through weak channels because one cannot always count on high-quality communication. A mobile application, in principle, should be used in the classic version of its application. It should be somewhere outside the office, on the road, if there is a free minute and you need to perform some actions. A classic stationary place has a large monitor; there are quite a few interfaces and information elements on the screen. Their size is small; there, the emphasis is on the density of information provision.

Platform As a Strategic Choice

The wide variety of mobile devices in companies means a wide range of platforms to support enterprise applications. What systems will be the most promising soon in the mobile context? The most popular all over the world are the mobile platforms Android and iOS. A certain part of mobile users works on BlackBerry and Linux. Although most applications run on iOS and Android platforms, Windows Mobile is already catching up. With all this variety of platforms, there are still many devices size, power, and capabilities. And when employees come with their devices, the company must make a smart choice: what to use in a corporate environment and what is impractical.

Difficulties of choice: where to start

A proven way to select a quality mobile developer is to study how mobile technology is being applied to the prospective contractor’s information landscape. It makes sense to pay attention to the “boots of the shoemaker himself”. If the market is young and few of its participants have accumulated a solid portfolio of corporate mobilization projects As in any modern business, in IT companies, the topic of mobility is at its peak. In their environment mobile device management systems are deployed, office work is “mobilized”. Applications for access to corporate data are being introduced, and so on. An IT company’s own landscape can be a great springboard for testing mobile products. Having passed the new development through the “meat grinder” of its own business processes, it receives an effective mobile tool. It is also an opportunity to abandon the development of mobile placebos early on. It will actually turn out to be an even bigger headache for users. Before putting our Presentation Room application on the Apple App Store, we tested it in our own practice. We could not release an application that has not been tested in our experience, even with such a narrow functionality. Of course, not all of their products IT companies can experience “on themselves” to the fullest. That is, the industry experience of the company’s specialists is another important criterion. A high-quality mobile solution can also be guaranteed if the software development company has a desktop version. It serves as a kind of evidence of the contractor’s complete understanding of the application’s requirements. The list of criteria for choosing a contractor for a corporate mobilization project is not exhausted by the mobile landscape. Its industry expertise and the availability of desktop versions of mobile solutions. Rather, they are general guidelines that allow you to reduce the spectrum for market research. But if there are no other starting points, then this is the place to start.