While interacting on social media may not be wrong, mobile gadgets, tablets, and laptops can be used for other productive benefits such as learning something new, understanding the environment we live in, and noting the changes which come around without notice. Back then, before the introduction of mobile applications, students used to learn things differently. Most of the things were taught in school. Also, if they wanted more knowledge about something, they would either consult with their teachers and professors outside class hours or check out a book from the library. Others opted to find people who were willing to teach them for free while some hose to pay to be taught something. Some students also had to learn about something the hard way that is through trial and error. There were learning software before the advent of mobile phones. However, like textbooks, students had to purchase them or check them out from their libraries. Contrariwise, you do not need to rely on buying books or checking them out from your libraries to get the information you want. Below are some apps for learning you can find on iOS or Android.
Back then, people used to have many volumes of the encyclopedia on their bookshelves. However, today, people use Wikipedia. Wikipedia is a fountain of knowledge app nigh on every subject from academics to contemporary culture. Instead of relying on many volumes of the encyclopedia, you can access any article you want at your fingertips. However, you should not rely on Wikipedia for all your research because anyone can edit its articles. Additionally, teachers and professors do not consider Wikipedia a credible and reliable source of information for academic writing tasks. So, rather than citing Wikipedia as a source in your work, take the sources they list at the bottom of their pages and cite them in your work.
YouTube is one of the best learning apps you can use for your academics. It can provide you with tutorials you can use to manage your writing tasks. Additionally, it can provide you with solutions you can use to manage your academic writing assignments. When you type the words ‘how to’ on the search bar, it will display a list of various options you may be looking for, or you need. However, it is not a reliable source of information as anyone can upload a video on YouTube of which come may be misleading. To identify a trustworthy subject, look for a post from a professional with real-world experience in the subject of your interest.
Lynda app boasts a huge chunk of courses in a whole array of different academic disciplines such as software development and video production, among others. Additionally, this app grants you the freedom to learn at your pace, when and where you find convenient for you. The Lynda app has a huge library of courses whose offer is on a per month subscription basis. This hence allows you to take as many courses as you want each month.
This is an online service which provides a range of courses on everything from web to personal development. If you want to learn how to play the piano or a guitar or how to start your business, Udemy can help you out. All the courses found in Udemy undergo teaching by an expert. You can access all its courses’ learning materials and videos via your mobile phone.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is an app which offers all its courses for free. Whether you need to purchase cheap college papers for sale or any other academic article, this app can help you out. Its courses undergo professional teaching. Most of its classes focus on academic disciplines such as humanities, math, and sciences, among others. Hence, if you need help with any subject, consider using this app.
TED is a non-profit company which dedicates itself to spreading inspirational and intriguing thoughts in videos. These videos undergo by the name ‘TED Talks,’ and they can be on a diverse array of subjects. The TED mobile app assembles the whole TED video library in one place for your education and satisfaction. Furthermore, all contents are free to view.
Lumosity is an app which provides you with brain-training exercises which have the designation of game developers and scientific professionals. These brain-training games focus on enhancing your mental health abilities, thereby enabling you to learn new things, augment your retention, solve problems faster, and sharpen your focus.
Books are among the best techniques you can use to learn anything you want. However, the issue is that there are many books on an array of subjects. Contrariwise, Goodreads is among the best knowledge apps you can use. You can use it to access any book you want at the right time. Despite your interests, Goodreads is a free app which can direct you towards the ideal book to allow you to learn what you want.
StudyBlue is an app you can use to conquer your course using notes flashcards, and study guides, among other things. Having it on your phone enables you to study at any time wherever you go. Thus, you do not need to worry about tracking your classes or cramming an exam.
In conclusion, books are very efficient sources of information. However, technology has had impacts on the education sector, thereby introducing some apps for learning students can use. As a student, you no longer have to rely on purchasing books or checking them out from the library to get the information you want. Above are some education apps for adults you can use, which are beneficial in various ways.