Every player wants to play Apex Legend and get better at it. Many people start well but soon reach a saturation point in their gameplay. But that’s not the way to become better! If you want to upgrade your Apex Legend Gameplay skills, you must know some of their Apex aimbot hack . Plus, there are some gameplay tips you just can’t afford to miss. Keep reading to find out what they are and become infinitely better at your gameplay!

Try it all, use one

Apex Legends has many characters. As a beginner or intermediate payer, you must try each one of them. As every character comes with its unique features, you must figure out the best character for your gameplay. This can be done only when you play with all the characters for some time. It will help you get the hang of what each character is capable of doing. Also, playing with different characters lets you know about their weaknesses. After trying and testing, you must choose the best character that will complement your gameplay.

Combine weapons wisely

Apex Legends gives you a chance to combine different weapons and attachments. As a player, opting for these attachments can be helpful. While some can increase the damage by miles, others may backfire. As a player, you must combine weapons that can complement each other. Combining two weapons that are poles apart is not recommended. With the correct combination, you can cause immense damage to your opponents.

Knockdown Shields

Knockdown shields are the best part about the Apex Legends Battle Royale. Every shooting game has a way to get revived once you are dead. In Apex Legends, Knockout shield does that work. If you are knocked out, the Knockout shield will provide you protection before you get killed. Knockout shields act as a time giver before you get killed. As it protects you from getting killed on the spot, you have a little more time in which your team can come and revive you. It also comes in different levels and, you must take care of which level shield you have. The level of the knockout shield is a direct measure of the protection it will provide. You must try to grab a higher-level shield to have maximum protection.

Landing is crucial

Landing in a battle royale game is crucial. With the landing in the correct place, you can gain time to collect the weapons and shields before you get into the fight. This extra time gives you a chance to have better winning chances. You must land at the position where the crowd is low. There are some places on the map that gives less loot. Landing in these places will give you the time to collect weapons before you start unleashing the attack.

Position well

Shooting games are all about angles and positions. The better your position, the more you can sneak into the opponent’s camp. It is crucial to have good positional knowledge when you play the game. Just like other games, Apex Legends also have certain angles to shoot. You must look out for those angles to get an edge over your enemies. Having positional knowledge not only gives you an attacking advantage, but also a defensive edge. You can refrain from reaching out at vulnerable positions and hence, safeguard yourself for long.

Attack and attack

Attack in Apex Legends is the key to victory. Irrespective of your defensive skills, if you can’t attack, you can’t get better. Only defense can prolong your life but not improve your ranking. You indeed need to sustain for a long time to be able to create more chances, but if you cannot kill your opponents and win the situation, the long life doesn’t matter much.

Ping system

The Ping system is a great addition to the Apex Legends. By using ping, you can mark the crucial loot for your friends. The ping system is so good that you need not use voice chats. You can just mark the location and, all your friends will get to know about it automatically. This enhances the gameplay’s smoothness. Using ping to your advantage is crucial in Apex Legends gameplay.

Final words

Using the above tips and tricks you can be a better player quickly in Apex Legends. You need to follow these steps consistently and dedicatedly to get better. Comment down below if you have any other suggestions for us.